Mel Wesson: Music is Noise

Features - Black Hawk Down (2001)

Black Hawk Down

Black Hawk Down (2001)

Directed by Ridley Scott
Released in theatres on December 28, 2001

Visit the official website

Credit: Ambient Music Design

Overview: I'd read Mark Bowden's book during the Hannibal dub, before spending a few weeks back home with an eclectic collection of material, including Moroccan street scenes and Black Hawk helicopters recorded on location. I arrived back in LA just after 9/11 and at the subsequent studio screening emotions were running high. Eight weeks were taken out of the post-production schedule leaving us just five to complete a very emotive score for an extraordinarily powerful movie.

Highlights: "Hunger" paints the opening scene perfectly, but I guess "Mogadishu Blues", the flight into Bakara Market, became my moment, and the only moment in the movie without dialog or effect. The entire picture still sends shivers down me.

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